Chapter 4: While You Wait
I believe that as Hannah waited on the Lord with expectancy, God was molding a jewel in her. He was molding her for the task of birthing one of the greatest prophets in the Old Testament who would later anoint the greatest leader in Israel’s history—King David. While she waited, Hannah’s heart had to meet .. read more
The Expiration Date
Okay ladies, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the last blog! Now, with this particular excerpt, I would like to see a lot of discussion as we share our thoughts on the issue of what the world (and I say the world because with God, there is no such thing) calls, “The Biological .. read more
The Key Lime Mermaid Dress
Alright ladies, we’ve all heard it before, “Isn’t it beautiful? And the best thing, you can wear it again!” Yep, I’m talking about bridesmaid dresses. This category of blogs will be dedicated to your funniest stories of bridesmaid dresses. I’ll go first! Chapter 8: Memories of a Bridesmaid …The month of the wedding finally rolls .. read more
A Case of 27 Dresses?
Hi everyone! I’m so honored to be able to share my thoughts on my first BLOG! I will be posting short excerpts from my book from time to time, as I get closer to the release of my book! Introduction The dress fit like a dream; my hair was just how I wanted it and .. read more