The Top 13 Lessons I Have Learned in 2013

Happy New Year 2014, single ladies! We have made it through the first 31 days of the New Year. I pray that this year is off to a fruitful start for all of you! Since January is the best time of the year for reflection, redirection, and repositioning ourselves for all that God has in .. read more
Lessons Learned in 2012: The Top 12 things the Lord has taught me this year

Happy New Year, ladies! With just one more day remaining in the year 2012, I wanted to share some of the greatest lessons that I have learned this year. I hope these encourage you! Lesson #12: Exercise the kind of faith that gets God’s ATTENTION! Lesson #11: God will never put more on you that .. read more
Faith that Gets God’s Attention

“A Valley of Baca Experience (Psalm 84:5-7)” Imagine waking up at 4am every day to get ready for work. By 5:30am, you leave your apartment, drive 90 minutes (who am I kidding; with Atlanta traffic it was a solid 2 full hours!) to work. When you finally arrive to work at 7am, you are on .. read more
What the Lord has been doing…

Hello single ladies! Well, it has been a very looong time since my last blog post( I will explain a little more in detail in the next blog!). But, rest assured that I have been busy working on getting more expose for Lessons Learned as a Bridesmaid! I’m so glad to share what the Lord .. read more
The Single Woman and Her Money
You work hard for your money. Now, what you’re doing with your money is the real question. In the last month or so, I have made a conscious decision to be smarter with my money as a single woman of God. This staggering fact is no fairytale: According to Money Magazine, “In a recent American .. read more